Good Morning Friend of LIFE!
This just in from Shawn Carney, CEO of 40 Days for Life: “We now have confirmed reports of 370 babiessaved from abortion since March 2. More good news is coming in every day!”
While only 1 of these confirmed saved babies is from Madison, we know that our prayers have joined with the prayers of all of the other 40 Days for Life campaigns and God uses them to give moms the grace to choose LIFE for their babies! We are in the last week of this Lenten 40 Days for Life campaign! We have a few open hours yet this week!
Tuesday, 4/5 – 1 needed at 1p; 2 needed at 2p and 1 needed at 4p.
Wednesday, 4/6 – 1 needed at 11a and 1 needed at 2p.
Thursday, 4/7 – 2 needed at 8a; 1 needed at 10a and 1 needed at 12p.
Friday, 4/8 – 1 needed at 7a; 2 needed at 8a; 1 needed at 1p; 1 needed at 2p; 1 needed at 3p; 2 needed at 4p; 1 needed at 5p and 2 needed at 6p.
Saturday, 4/9 – 1 needed at 8a; 2 needed at 12p; 2 needed at 1p and 1 needed at 4p.
To sign up for hours go to: or call John Bohn at (608)628-7552.
Closing Prayer Vigil with Bishop Hying – Saturday, April 9th at 1:00p.m. on the sidewalks surrounding Planned Parenthood, 3706 Orin Road, Madison.
Good Friday Way of the Cross – Friday, April 15th at 9:30 a.m. on the sidewalks surrounding Planned Parenthood, 3706 Orin Road, Madison.
Lenten Pro-Life Prayer (from Priests for Life)
Father of all mercy, we thank you for this season of grace and light. We know that sin has blinded us. Draw us ever closer to you, in prayer and penance. Since you, O God, are light itself, give all your people a clearer understanding of what is sin, and what is virtue. Grant in particular that we may see, as never before, the profound dignity of every human life, including the vulnerable unborn children. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.