Dear Friend of LIFE,

We want to make you aware of an incident that happened recently to two of our vigil participants on the sidewalk.  A gray SUV drove by and yelled out, “I’ll be back with my gun.” The police have been notified and are investigating the incident. While threats such as this are a rare occurrence, we want to take this time to urge you to call 9-1-1 immediately if you are threatened while on the sidewalk outside of Planned Parenthood. It would also be helpful if you are able to capture the license plate number, a photo of the person and/or vehicle and any other identifiers that would help the police in their investigation.

As a reminder that we all need to be aware of our surroundings and keep our personal safety in mind while on the sidewalk, we want to share with you the 40 Days for Life Commandments of Safety that apply directly to you:

*. Stay safe, always.

*. Try to have at least two vigil participants.

*. Never be alone after dark.

*. If you feel threatened, leave and call the police. This is a 9-1-1 call!

*. If your path is blocked, call the police. This is a 9-1-1 call!

*. If you are touched, call the police. This is a 9-1-1 call!

*. If you can safely do so, photograph/film events.

*. If the police arrive, be polite and cooperative.

*. If you are ordered to leave by competent governmental authority, do so and contact 40 Days for Life headquarters.

*. Do not trespass.

*. Do not threaten.

*. Do not touch others.

*. Do not display or discuss weapons.

*. Do not curse.

*. Do not block anyone’s path/right-of-way.

*. Obey all laws.

If you do end up calling the police, please contact Gwen Finnegan at (608)393-8545.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Gwen with these as well.


The Team at Vigil for Life

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