Dear Friend of LIFE,

We want to make you aware of an incident that happened recently to two of our vigil participants on the sidewalk.  A gray SUV drove by and yelled out, “I’ll be back with my gun.” The police have been notified and are investigating the incident. While threats such as this are a rare occurrence, we want to take this time to urge you to call 9-1-1 immediately if you are threatened while on the sidewalk outside of Planned Parenthood. It would also be helpful if you are able to capture the license plate number, a photo of the person and/or vehicle and any other identifiers that would help the police in their investigation.

As a reminder that we all need to be aware of our surroundings and keep our personal safety in mind while on the sidewalk, we want to share with you the 40 Days for Life Commandments of Safety that apply directly to you:

*. Stay safe, always.

*. Try to have at least two vigil participants.

*. Never be alone after dark.

*. If you feel threatened, leave and call the police. This is a 9-1-1 call!

*. If your path is blocked, call the police. This is a 9-1-1 call!

*. If you are touched, call the police. This is a 9-1-1 call!

*. If you can safely do so, photograph/film events.

*. If the police arrive, be polite and cooperative.

*. If you are ordered to leave by competent governmental authority, do so and contact 40 Days for Life headquarters.

*. Do not trespass.

*. Do not threaten.

*. Do not touch others.

*. Do not display or discuss weapons.

*. Do not curse.

*. Do not block anyone’s path/right-of-way.

*. Obey all laws.

If you do end up calling the police, please contact Gwen Finnegan at (608)393-8545.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Gwen with these as well.


The Team at Vigil for Life

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40 Days for Life 2023 Spring/Lenten Campaign

Good afternoon Friend of LIFE,

Have you been wondering if we’ll be hosting a Spring/Lenten 40 Days for Life campaign?  Well, wonder no further.  We are indeed hosting one!  This campaign begins at 9a on Ash Wednesday (Feb. 22nd) and goes through Sunday, April 2nd.  Coverage will be from 7a – 7p; Mondays – Saturdays (no Sunday hours).

It’s a crucial time for us to be out there witnessing for LIFE!.  Some of our Wisconsin Assembly leaders are contemplating handing Gov. Evers a bill that would dial back the current abortion ban in Wisconsin by allowing for exceptions for rape, incest and perhaps allowing abortions up to 10 or 15 weeks! We need to keep our prayers, fasting and peaceful witness for LIFE from wavering!

Stay tuned for our kick- off event announcement!


The Team at Vigil for Life

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27 open hours yet this last week!

Good Morning Friend of LIFE!
This just in from Shawn Carney, CEO of 40 Days for Life: “We now have confirmed reports of 370 babiessaved from abortion since March 2. More good news is coming in every day!”
While only 1 of these confirmed saved babies is from Madison, we know that our prayers have joined with the prayers of all of the other 40 Days for Life campaigns and God uses them to give moms the grace to choose LIFE for their babies!  We are in the last week of this Lenten 40 Days for Life campaign! We have a few open hours yet this week!
Tuesday, 4/5 – 1 needed at 1p; 2 needed at 2p and 1 needed at 4p.
Wednesday, 4/6 – 1 needed at 11a and 1 needed at 2p.
Thursday, 4/7 – 2 needed at 8a; 1 needed at 10a and 1 needed at 12p.
Friday, 4/8 – 1 needed at 7a; 2 needed at 8a; 1 needed at 1p; 1 needed at 2p; 1 needed at 3p; 2 needed at 4p; 1 needed at 5p and 2 needed at 6p.
Saturday, 4/9 – 1 needed at 8a; 2 needed at 12p; 2 needed at 1p and 1 needed at 4p.
To sign up for hours go to: or call John Bohn at (608)628-7552.


Closing Prayer Vigil with Bishop Hying – Saturday, April 9th at 1:00p.m. on the sidewalks surrounding Planned Parenthood, 3706 Orin Road, Madison.
Good Friday Way of the Cross – 
Friday, April 15th at 9:30 a.m. on the sidewalks surrounding Planned Parenthood, 3706 Orin Road, Madison.

Lenten Pro-Life Prayer (from Priests for Life)
Father of all mercy, we thank you for this season of grace and light. We know that sin has blinded us. Draw us ever closer to you, in prayer and penance. Since you, O God, are light itself, give all your people a clearer understanding of what is sin, and what is virtue. Grant in particular that we may see, as never before, the profound dignity of every human life, including the vulnerable unborn children. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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48 open hours next week and an announcement!

Dear Friend of LIFE,
This past week one of our witnesses for LIFE heard from a young mother she was able to walk over to the Women’s Care Center from Planned Parenthood during last year’s Spring 40 Days for Life campaign. The young mother did indeed choose LIFE for her baby.  Her baby girl was born on October 22, 2021 and she weighed 8 lbs. 11 oz. at birth.  The young mother is very thankful that there was someone on the sidewalk to help her in her time of need.  She is so happy that she chose LIFE for her baby! Praise God for helping this young mother through our presence on the sidewalks outside of Planned Parenthood!
We have lots of open hours next week!
Open Hours
Monday, 1/24 – 2 needed at 9a; 1 needed at 12p; 1 needed at 1p; 1 needed at 2p; 1 needed at 3p and 1 needed at 4p.
Tuesday, 1/25 – 1 needed at 9a; 2 needed at 12p; 1 needed at 1p; 1 needed at 2p; 1 needed at 3p and 2 needed at 4p.
Wednesday, 1/26 – 1 needed at 9a; 2 needed at 10a; 2 needed at 11a; 2 needed at 12p; 2 needed at 1p; 1 needed at 3p and 2 needed at 4p.
Thursday, 1/27 – 2 needed at 10a; 1 needed at 11a; 1 needed at 12p; 1 needed at 1p; 2 needed at 3p; 1 needed at 4p; 2 needed at 5p and 2 needed at 6p.
Friday, 1/28 – 1 needed at 9a; 1 needed at 10a; 1 needed at 11a; 1 needed at 12p; 1 needed at 1p; 1 needed at 2p; 1 needed at 3p and 2 needed at 4p. 
To sign up for hours go to: or call John Bohn at (608)628-7552.
We will be hosting a Spring 40 Days for Life campaign again this year!  It starts on Wednesday, March 2nd – Sunday, April 10.  We will run a 12 hour per day campaign – from 7a-7p with no coverage on Sundays.  Sign up today!!  Sign up at: or call John Bohn at (608)628-7552.
Redeemer in the Womb
Lord Jesus Christ, You took our human nature upon Yourself. You shared our life and death, our childhood and adulthood.
You also shared our time in the womb. While still God, while worshipped and adored by the angels, while Almighty and filling every part of the universe, You dwelt for nine months in the womb of Mary. You were our Redeemer in the womb, our God who was a preborn child.
Lord Jesus, we ask You to bless and protect the children who today are in their mothers’ womb. Save them from the danger of abortion. Give their mothers the grace to sacrifice themselves, in body and soul, for their children. Help all people to recognize in the preborn child a brother, a sister, saved by You, our Redeemer in the womb.
We ask this in your Holy Name.  Amen.
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National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children

Dear Friend of LIFE,
Please join us for an important pro-life prayer service taking place in Dane, WI on Saturday, September 18.  On that day, pro-life Americans will honor the memory of the more than 60 million unborn victims of abortion during the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children.
Solemn prayer services will be held simultaneously at gravesites around the country where abortion victims have been buried, as well as at many other memorial sites dedicated in their honor.
I hope that you will join us for the memorial service taking place in Dane, WI as part of the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children:
     Event: Memorial Service for Victims of Abortion     When: Saturday, September 18 at 10 a.m.     Location: St. Michael’s Cemetery (Cemetery is behind the Church)     Address: 109 S. Military Road, Dane, WI    This solemn memorial service will last approximately one hour. (Adoration and Confession with Fr. Joseph Baker will be available in the Church from 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. )
Please come out for this important pro-life event, prayerfully witnessing to the humanity of our unborn brothers and sisters, together with our fellow pro-lifers throughout the country.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Our Lord promised us: “Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.”  On September 18, we seek that divine comfort as we mourn for the victims of abortion. Let us never forget their precious lives as we continue to work and pray for an end to abortion.
For LIFE in Christ,
The Team at Vigil for Life

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Ethics of Fetal Research under Biden

Ethics Of Fetal Research Under Biden
May 4, 2021
Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the Biden administration’s biological ethics:
Two years ago, a jury awarded $58 million in damages to ten plaintiffs after finding that the Phoenix-based Biological Resource Center had deceived families into donating the body of a deceased family member. The families thought the body would be used for medical research. Instead, the bodies were dismembered and sold for profit.
FBI agents raided the facility in 2014 and found chopped up bodies in buckets, including feet, shoulders, legs, and spines. Freezers were packed with penises. They even found a torso with a different head sewn on, reminiscent of “Frankenstein.” The owner of the human chop shop, Stephen Gore, was convicted of deceiving the families who donated the body; he also broke the law by deceiving the buyers who were sold body parts with infectious diseases.
How could something like this happen? It’s actually not hard to understand. When we objectify human beings, treating them as inanimate objects, such practices logically follow.
The Catholic Church has a long and proud record of opposing attempts to dehumanize men, women, and children, ranging from denouncing pagan practices such as infanticide to Nazi eugenics. Their latest salvo is a shot at the Biden administration for lifting limits on human fetal research that were placed by the Trump administration.
Archbishop Joseph Naumann, chairman of the bishops’ conference on Pro-Life Activities, released a statement on April 21 that was superb. “The bodies of children killed by abortion deserve the same respect as that of any other person. Our government has no right to treat innocent abortion victims as a commodity that can be scavenged for body parts to be used for research. It is unethical to promote and subsidize research that can lead to legitimizing the violence of abortion.”
White House press secretary Jan Psaki was asked about this statement on April 27. She said the White House “respectfully disagrees,” explaining that “it’s important to invest in science and look for opportunities to cure diseases.”
As expected, Psaki never acknowledged the humanity of the unborn child. She can’t. If she did, the Biden administration’s extreme pro-abortion agenda would implode.
It’s easy to ignore the humanity of the unborn if we call fetal tissue “material.” That was the choice of words selected by Planned Parenthood in the 1970s. In the 1980s, Newsweek described the dismembered body of an unborn baby extracted in a D&E abortion as “fetal material being pulled from a woman’s vagina.” In the same decade, Rachel Conrad Wahlberg, an abortion-rights advocate, contended that the unborn do not have an independent existence. Referring to the pregnant woman, she said, “It is hers. It is her possession (italic in the original).”
The same mindset marked the Dred Scott decision that legalized slavery. In the Supreme Court decision of 1857, the court affirmed public opinion by noting that black people were “articles of property and merchandise.” Nearly 400 blacks were used as guinea pigs in the infamous Tuskegee experiment that began in 1932. For 40 years, rural sharecroppers who took part in the experiment never knew they had syphilis, nor were treated for it. They were not seen as human beings with rights equal to that of others.
After World War I, prisoners in San Quentin received transplanted sex organs from rams, goats, and boors. Tuberculosis treatments were tested on other prisoners. Inmates of Stateville Correctional Center in Illinois were exposed to malaria in the hope that a cure could be found. The drug companies had a field day experimenting on the incarcerated, and did so without controversy right up until the 1970s.
Not only were prisoners seen as subhuman, so were mentally retarded children. From the mid-1950s to 1970, those housed at Willowbrook State School in Staten Island, New York were infected with hepatitis so that doctors could track the spread of the viral infection. More than 700 children were infected to see how they responded to a drug treatment. After what Jews went through at the hands of Nazi physician Josef Mengele—he performed painful and often deadly experiments on twins—it led to the establishment of the Nuremberg Code, a guideline for conducting research on humans. The first stricture insists that the subject must provide consent before the research can begin.
A child in his mother’s womb can never give consent.
Archbishop Naumann got it right when he said “it is deeply offensive to millions of Americans for our tax dollars to be used for research that collaborates with an industry built on the taking of innocent lives.” Worse, this morally indefensible decision was rendered by our “devout Catholic” president.

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30 open hours still this week!

Dear Friend of LIFE,

Your witness for the Gospel of LIFE is needed now more than EVER! We still have lots of open hours for this week!


Tuesday, 5/4 – 2 needed at 2p; 1 needed at 3p and 1 needed at 4p.

Wednesday, 5/5 – 1 needed at 9a; 1 needed at 11a; 1 needed at 1p; 1 needed at 2p; 1 needed at 3p; 1 needed at 4p and 2 needed at 5p.

Thursday, 5/6 – 1 needed at 9a; 1 needed at 10a; 1 needed at 11a; 1 needed at 12p; 2 needed at 1p; 2 needed at 2p; 1 needed at 3p and 1 needed at 4p.

Friday, 5/7 – 2 needed at 9a; 2 needed at 11a; 1 needed at 2p; 1 needed at 3p and 2 needed at 4p.

To sign up for hours go to: or call John Bohn at (608)628-7552 or email

He is risen! He is risen indeed!  Alleluia!

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38 open hours this week!

Good Afternoon Friend of LIFE,

Last week on Wednesday, one of our witnesses for LIFE was standing near the driveway holding a sign that says, “Choose LIFE, you won’t regret it”.  As she was standing there, a car with a yoiung couple approached to turn into the Planned Parenthood parking lot.  They stopped and kept looking at the sign and ended up turning around and leaving!  God is always at work!  

We have LOTS of open hours this week!

Monday, 4/26 – 2 needed at 9a; 1 needed at 11a; 2 needed at 12p; 2 needed at 1p; 2 needed at 2p; 1 needed at 3p and 1 needed at 4p.

Tuesday, 4/27 – 1 needed at 9a; 2 needed at 12p; 1 needed at 3p and 2 needed at 4p.

Wednesday, 4/28 – 1 needed at 11a; 2 needed at 12p; 2 needed at 1p; 1 needed at 2p; 1 needed at 3p and 1 needed at 4p.

Thursday, 4/29 – 1 needed at 11a; 1 needed at 12p; 1 needed at 1p; 1 needed at 2p and 1 needed at 3p.

Friday, 4/30 – 2 needed at 10a; 2 needed at 11a; 1 needed at 2p; 1 needed at 3p and 2 needed at 4p.

To sign up for hours go to: or email or call Gwen at (608)393-8545.

Bring your Easter JOY to the sidewalk this week,

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Baby and parents saved from abortion TODAY!

Baby and parents saved from abortion TODAY at Planned Parenthood in Madison! A woman who had been inside the abortion center came out about 12:15 pm. Her male partner had been parked in the parking lot. Our sidewalk counselor encouraged her to stop and talk as they exited the lot. She rolled down the window to speak with him on the way out and said that she had changed her mind and was keeping her baby. She gave a thumbs up and said, “What you’re doing worked!”. PRAISE GOD!

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Open Hours and Vigil Hour Challenge

Dear Friend of LIFE, 

This last half of our Lenten 40 Days for Life campaign is the perfect time to step up your sacrifices on behalf of our unborn brothers and sisters in danger of losing their lives to abortion! And so, we want to challenge YOU: can you push yourself and help us fill our vigil schedule in an extraordinary way?

  • 12-Hour Challenge: Praying 12 total hours during the campaign breaks down to about 2 hours per week.  If you haven’t done that for the first half of the campaign, you have 21 days left to make up for it! It’s a stretch but totally doable. Win 40 Days for Life merchandise in thanksgiving for your sacrifices.
  • 24-Hour Challenge: This will take some extra effort. Spend the equivalent of a full day – 24 total hours -on the sidewalk in prayer and you will win a 40 Days for Life t-shirt!
  • 40-Hour Challenge: This is not for the faint of heart! Pray on the sidewalk for many hours at a time over the next 21 days of the campaign to win a very special prize!

At the end of this Lenten 40 Days for Life campaign, please send us a note at with the tally of your total vigil hours on the sidewalk from February 17 – March 28, that we can confirm on the Vigil for Life web site. Then, accept your much-deserved prize!


Thursday, 3/4 – 1 needed at 5p.

Friday, 3/5 – 1 needed at 7a; 1 needed at 8a; 1 needed at 2p and 1 needed at 3p.

Saturday, 3/6 – 1 needed at 1p; 1 needed at 2p; 2 needed at 4p; 1 needed at 5p and 2 needed at 6p.

Monday, 3/8 – 1 needed at 11a; 1 needed at 12p; 2 needed at 4p; 2 needed at 5p and 1 needed at 6p.

Tuesday, 3/9 – 1 needed at 7a; 1 needed at 12p; 2 needed at 3p and 2 needed at 4p.

To sign up for hours go to: call John Bohn at (608)628-7552.

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