In This Issue:
Stations of the Cross Good Friday
Two More Turnaways – Wait til you read this one!
Hours Next Week
Dear Prayer Warriors,
Make your presence with us at the Stations of the Cross a part of your holy Good Friday services! Join your fellow Vigil for Life prayer warriors, Fr. Rick Heilman, and the Knights of Divine Mercy as we walk and pray each station for the unborn who have died, the parents who have been wounded, and the end of abortion.
Stations of the Cross TOMORROW
Time: 10:00am
Location: Planned Parenthood (3706 Orin Rd. on Madison’s east side)
Parking: Please park on the street only and NOT in the Women’s Care Center parking lot. (MATC is on spring break so parking on the street will be easier.)
One More Thing: DO NOT STAND OR WALK ON PLANNED PARENTHOOD PROPERTY! They will be open and watching so please stay on the sidewalk or terrace (between the sidewalk and the street). Let’s not give them a reason to call the police.
The Turnaways Continue….
God rewarded us again on Wednesday, an abortion day, with TWO MORE TURNAWAYS! Hopefully, this isn’t sounding commonplace or routine to you! As you may have noticed, this news is increasingly becoming a “normal” part of the emails. Your prayer and witness on the sidewalk is definitely having an effect! It shows what can happen with sacrificing an hour a week or an hour a month can produce. “Knock and the door shall be opened”.
One couple was ready to enter the abortuary until they heard they could get a free pregnancy test at the Women’s Care Center. That was all it took!
The second occurred when two young girls entering the parking lot announced they were against abortion, heard about the dangers of contraceptive methods, and turned around to leave. The shocker came as they were leaving! They told us that, when they called Planned Parenthood and asked about a pregnancy test, they were told NO PREGNANCY TEST UNLESS YOU’RE GOING TO END THE PREGNANCY!! They then drove over to the Women’s Care Center. We were unable to gather more details but, if this is accurate, we should be filling the sidewalk with prayer warriors every hour they’re open! This is NOT even close to counseling nor is it “choice”!
We have a responsibility and a duty to save young women and their babies from this victimization. Our Lord has told us….”Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you do unto Me.”
I know many of you will be out of town for Easter so here’s a reminder to take a look at the Vigil for Life calendar TODAY – It’s not up to somebody else to fill the schedule. We ALL must respond!
Open Hours This Week and Next Week!
Good Friday afternoon, 3/28/13: 1 needed at 2:00pm
Monday, 4/01/13: 1 needed at 9:00am
Tuesday, 4/02/13: 1 needed at 11:00am; 2 needed at each hour – noon, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, and 4:00pm 11 OPEN HOURS!
Wednesday, 4/03/13: 2 needed at 8:00am, 9:00am, noon, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, and 5:00pm. YIKES! 16 OPEN HOURS!
Thursday, 4/04/13: 1 needed at 1:00pm
Friday, 4/05/13: FILLED! PRAISE GOD!
Go to to sign up or contact Bette Weisshaar at 608-358-5963 or
God bless you at this Holy Easter Time!
Bette Weisshaar