In this Issue
Baby Saved!
Open Hours – We Need YOU!
Photos – Good Friday Stations of the Cross
Pro-Life Wisconsin Spring Awards Dinner
Courtesy Announcements
Dear Friends,
I wish you could have heard the excitement in the voice of the prayer warrior who called to report that a baby was saved today at Planned Parenthood!
She told of a car that drove in and parked near the entrance but none of the four occupants got out. After an hour or more, they finally decided to leave. But as they were leaving, they paused at the driveway to give some wonderful news. The young mother in the back seat called out happily, “I’m not doing it! I’m not doing it!” The prayer warrior exclaimed, “There is much excitement here….and tears of joy! I can see how important it is for us to be out here!”
Glory to God in the highest….we give you thanks for your great glory!
Actually, God spared TWO lives today – that of the innocent unborn child and the preyed-upon mother. THIS is why we need you to take an hour and be out there, to pray and sacrifice for the vulnerable, the victims. Easter shows us that death has been conquered. Let us pray that the Easter message will give us the confidence and perseverance to be a witness for life.
Open Hours This Week and Next Week!
Wednesday, 4/03/13: 1 needed at 5:00pm
Thursday, 4/04/13: 2 needed at 5:00pm
Only a few more hours this week to fill but many hours are open for next week and the rest of April. Please look ahead, plan ahead and save our wonderful vigil captains some phone calls!
Go to and commit to a regular hour each month! You can also call Bette Weisshaar at 608-358-5963 or email at to sign up.
Photos – Stations of the Cross
What a beautiful Good Friday morning we had last week as about 200 prayer warriors joined Father Rick Heilman and the Knights of Divine Mercy in the Stations of the Cross at Planned Parenthood. Father Rick brought relics of the True Cross and St. Faustina which were held up in prayer at each Station. We are very grateful to Father Rick, the KDM, Mary Ann Croft, and all who attended; it was truly a holy Good Friday morning of prayer! Go to to see some photos of this special event.
Pro-Life Wisconsin 2013 Spring Awards Dinner
Be sure to register for the upcoming Spring Awards Dinner, Thursday, April 18, featuring keynote speaker, Walter Hoye II! Walter Hoye is the founder and President of the Issues4Life foundation, a key member of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition, and a tireless advocate for personhood. PLW will also honor the Activist of the Year, Mary Gundrum, as well as the Legislator of the Year, Rep. David Craig.
For more information and to register, visit our website. Register now, space is limited!
Courtesy Announcements
Healing after Abortion: Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats – for anyone who is struggling with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. These retreats are for women, men, couples, grandparents, adult siblings of the aborted baby, relatives, and friends who have been affected by abortion. This also includes clinic workers who have stopped working at an abortion clinic. The next retreat will be April 12 – 14, near Madison. For information call Mary 608-221-9593 or email: or Confidentiality is assured.
A life affirming crisis pregnancy center that opened January 2012 and is endorsed by Bishop Robert Morlino. The center is expanding its services and hoping to hire additional staff. There is a position available for an Ultrasound Technician or a Licensed Nurse interested in being trained to perform ultrasounds. It will be a 3-5 day per week position and some client mentoring is involved. Training will be provided. For more information, call 608 241-8100 or send a resume Women’s Care Center 3711 Orin Rd Madison, WI 53704.
God bless you all in this Easter Season,
Bette Weisshaar